Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Do you know your soul’s purpose? I’ve seen that question bring on cold sweats, confused looks, and tears of joy, depending on where the person was on their path.

Wherever you fall with your answer, it’s okay.

Weekly Wisdom: “There is no finish-line on the path to soul growth – there is no race, no perfect place to get to where life is easy. We can release judgment and fear-based thinking when we entertain that life is a journey with many pit-stops along the way and we are responsible for finding the beauty at every twist and turn.” ~ Christine Evangelou

The first time I recognized my soul’s purpose was when I was thirteen. I was standing in my house at 354 85th street in Brooklyn. There was peeling paint on the walls and stained carpet on the floors. Two people came to visit my mother, and I was telling them story after story. They rocked in their chairs, threw their heads back, and laughed until they held their bellies and waved their hands, begging for a moment to catch their breath.

I remember knowing at that moment that making people feel good is what I wanted to do.

At thirteen, that meant making people laugh. Later in life, my soul’s purpose led to entertaining people via TV and on stage. And then, it evolved again. I helped people connect with themselves and rediscover who they are and who they want to be.  In some ways, that made me a healer of souls.

But my purpose didn’t stop there. The growth and evolution continued.

Had I hung my hat on doing stand-up at the local comedy clubs back when I realized my life’s purpose at thirteen, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Where am I?

I live on a mountain. In fact, the picture at the top of this page is my deck and “back yard”. So, when I tell you that I want to shout something from the mountain tops, I can! Living on that mountain is another soul-aligned dream that I brought to life.

Today, I’m teaching thousands of people around the world how to believe in themselves and their gifts—how to find and live their soul’s purpose, transform their lives, redefine their careers, and revive their joy. (Click HERE if you’d like to know more.)

Thank goodness I moved on. I could have stopped, accepted my purpose as the vision I had at thirteen, not listened when I grew and my soul evolved, remained stuck in a job where I was miserable, listened to the limits others tried to place on me, and never made it to the mountaintop.

But I didn’t stop at the newbie view I had of my soul’s purpose.

I realized that my soul grew and changed, and I learned to align with it each time it happened. We’re not stagnant beings. We change, we learn, we grow, we transform, and if we live with purpose, we align with our souls and thrive.

If I hadn’t had the realization that my soul’s purpose evolved as I grew, I’d have missed all the beauty and glory of the path I took to my mountaintop. And who knows where I’ll go from here?

So, I’m letting you in on my big secret – continued happiness and growth aren’t just about knowing your soul’s purpose. It’s about aligning with your soul.

Things aren’t always easy. Growing pains suck. But repeatedly aligning with your soul brings more than enough joy to get you through.

If you’ve ever wanted to run away, shut down, or take back the biggest mistake of your life, join me next week as we explore the gifts these moments hold for you.



P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
It’s a supportive, free Facebook group community full of like-minded individuals. You can find that here, and please be sure to answer the questions.

2. Become a #soulstar.
Join my #soulstars in Membership for Your Soul, where you can ask questions, get support, and get much more access to me. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing people who are doing the work with love and kindness, this is it. You also get lessons, bonuses, guest speakers, and Q&A calls each month, along with some surprises.

3. Sign up for a reading with me.

Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.