I’m sure you have heard the words Empath, Empathic or even Empathic Ability thrown around. I always assume people know what it means – and know if they are one, but as I am finding out – that’s not always the case.

An empath is someone who physically tunes into the emotional state of a person, group, animal nature or nation, (whether unconsciously or deliberately).

Empathic ability is an amazing gift to have, but many people feel it’s crippling effects, and don’t know how to Live and Thrive in their Empathic Ability.

I created this short video to explain more of what it means to be an empath.  Watch it and if this resonates with you, join me for my brand new live training class.

Living and Thriving in your Empathic Ability
Thursday, June 9th at 4pm (PDT)
Get all of the details & register here!

It’s important to me that you get the support you need, so as soon as you register, you will receive a 49-page ebook about how to protect yourself from others without having to close down your heart.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, June 9th at 4pm (PDT).

And Don’t worry if you can’t make it to the class live, you will receive the recording (and you will receive it even if you do come live).  Believe me, this is a training you will want to listen to over and over!