The symbolic spiritual meaning of a butterfly and how when it dances in your life, you better pay attention.

Who doesn’t like butterflies? Whenever you see one, you feel magic in the air. They make us stop what we are doing and stare. They awaken something childlike inside of us. Joy that has been sleeping. They are reminding us we are not alone. They have many messages for us even their color has meaning. 

I want to tell you a story about my experience with a butterfly. Is that butterfly really a symbol? What a butterfly can symbolize? What does it mean to see a butterfly? How can butterfly meanings change? The meaning behind different butterfly colors. And last but not least, what it means when you see a butterfly in your dreams and when it lands on you?

My personal story about the butterfly was a life-changing moment for me. I was going through a scary time and I was afraid to listen to a message on my voicemail. I went out for a walk with my dog to clear my head and calm my nerves. On our walk, I saw a butterfly sitting on a stone fence. I approached it and petted it. It then flew up in the air and start dancing around me.

I bobbed and weaved with the butterfly and realized we were dancing. He then landed on the wall again. I pet him some more. We danced again and then he went on his way. I knew everything was going to be okay after my magical dance with the butterfly. I went home, listened to the dreaded message I was avoiding, and then took action to smooth over the situation. It all worked out. You can hear the whole story here on my podcast episode 6.

What A Butterfly Symbolizes

Butterflies are magical. It’s not only important what they mean, but what you are going through in life when you see one. They want to teach you to transmute your life using joy and laughter. Not everything has to be taken so seriously. What you are going through is a character-building moment. You are birthing a part of you that needs to be in place for your next adventure. Although you may experience some pain, the beauty that can come from it will leave you in awe. You will also notice the resilience and courage you easily inhabit as you step into your new way of living. Dance with the butterfly when you see it. It is asking you to dance to the beat of your own drum. 

The Spiritual Meaning Of A Butterfly

The spiritual and symbolic meanings are similar. It’s how you hold the energy of a butterfly that makes it a spiritual experience. When you think about the butterfly, you have seen or when you see it again, close your eyes and feel its energy fluttering around your heart, your solar plexus, and throat awakening new beginnings in your life. Turn that fear into excitement. Feel the truth of what you desire. Don’t be afraid. You have a butterfly by your side to walk with you all the way. Whisper your desires in Butterflies’ ears and speak out to the world what it is you desire. That butterfly is reminding you, you are not alone. That your spirit can rise above all obstacles and feel freedom from your fears and worries. Fly free like a butterfly suggests and feel your worries and anxieties float away. 

What It Means To See A Butterfly

butterfly flying by

When you see a butterfly, don’t take it for granted. This is not butterfly season. It wants you to see it, notice it, and feel its energy. It is calling for you to change. What habit do you need to release that is holding you back? What belief do you need to rewrite so you can live the life you desire? When you see a butterfly, you notice its beauty and it’s asking you to see that beauty is all around you.

It’s calling you to live in awe of your life. To find the positive at the moment. To feel excited about new beginnings and opportunities, even if you don’t see them right now. That butterfly is reminding you that nothing in front of you stays the same. Butterfly has flown into your line of sight, making what you are looking at more beautiful. When you look out at your life, see the beauty in every moment. 

How Can Butterflies Meaning Change?

The meaning of a butterfly can change based on what you are asking at that moment when you see it. It’s not so much what it stands for as it is a conversation it is inviting you into. What you may need to change in your life today can differ from what you want to change next year. Butterflies’ meanings are fluid and assist you into a deeper relationship with your happiness and joy. Notice what you were feeling when you saw it and how it shifted your emotions. That can be different every time you see a butterfly. 

The Meaning Behind Different Butterfly Colors

Let’s discuss some colors of a butterfly and their specific meaning. 

Red Butterfly – The Red butterfly is asking you to rewrite some beliefs that are holding you back. Maybe you want to pursue a different career and you think you are too old. That’s a belief that needs to be transformed into you are never too old to do what you want and love to do. Play with some limiting beliefs and let the butterfly help you rewrite them into supportive beliefs that speed up your growth. 

Brown Butterfly – This is telling you to ground more. That you may live too much inside your head or in daydreaming without taking action. Take steps every day towards your goals. Breathe into the earth and let it support you and guide you to where you are going. Butterfly wants you to land, flap your wings, and enjoy your surroundings. 

Yellow Butterfly – trust your intuition. You may make some big decisions and you think you are hesitating out of fear. Maybe this is your intuition asking you to get more information. Take a breath into your solar plexus before answering an email or making a big decision. See what your intuition wants you to know so you can better prepare for the next action-oriented step. 

Orange Butterfly – Creative thinking and being. This butterfly is asking you to spend more time creating and playing. It doesn’t matter if you think you can paint, go paint. Think you can’t dance, who cares? Go dance. Live in your creative juices and solutions will flow into your life. 

Blue butterfly – want you to know your dreams are worth believing in and to trust them and take action. Speak your truth to yourself about your dreams. Don’t deny yourself what it is you want to do. Your destiny awaits you. Let Butterfly’s energy dance around your heart and throat carrying your truest desires to manifestation. 

Green Butterfly – is about love. Where are you holding yourself back in love? What are you letting go of regarding an old hurt? Where do you need to invite more love in? How can you live more in love with yourself today? Take yourself out on a date and fall in love with this new and improved you. 

Black Butterfly – Things are really ready to change. Transitions, moves, giving birth to new ideas. Now is the time. A black butterfly is urging you to move forward even if you don’t know the outcome, which you don’t. Trust that this is what you do. If it has your heart and soul in it, you are heading in the right direction. 

White Butterfly – Spirit is dancing with you. Spirit wants you to know you are never alone. You are always being guided by your guides. They are with you wherever you go. They want you to talk to them. Even if you don’t hear their answers, they are there, answering you and you will one day hear them loud and clear. 

With any symbol, our Guides speak to us using our symbolic language of our soul. This is a technique that I teach where you learn how to use yourself, your life experiences, and your feeling to interpret the symbols your Guides send you every day. You can find out more here. You can learn more about the class here

Most importantly, remember the next time you see a butterfly, to thank it for all its beauty, wisdom, guidance, and joy. Then listen carefully as it thanks you in return for all of your beauty, wisdom, guidance, and joy that you give it.
