Marilyn’s Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

What does it mean to put brackets on your dreams? Why is it so important to remove those brackets so you can fully fulfill your dreams? And HOW do you free yourself from constraints even in the face of resistance? How do you shift into abundance when all you are experiencing is scarcity? What is limitless dreaming?

I am super excited about talking to you about this because so many people out there have these dreams in their heart and they don’t even realize that they’re putting brackets on their dreams.

The first level of putting brackets on your dreams is putting your dreams on hold. We don’t believe we can have what we’ve always wanted. We’ve been disappointed in the past and we’ve been told we aren’t good enough. It happens to all of us. And it’s why so many people are living in scarcity and fear consciousness. So, we tell ourselves “It’s just not the right time,” ‘There’s just a lot going on right now,” “I have to wait until I can afford this,” I have debt” or whatever else we come up with to keep putting ourselves off and give our power away to circumstance.

Then the second thing I’ve noticed that happens is once you start living your dream and then you start getting hit in the face with some block or some kind of crazy thing that happens, you think that the dream isn’t meant for you. You Think, “oh, the universe giving me a difficult time. I’m not supposed to have this.” And nothing can be further from the truth. Nothing.

So, what we are talking about today will help you to stop putting brackets on your dreams, to help you to start engaging your dreams, to start living the life that you’re meant to live. And I’m going to share a guided visualization with you to help you remove the brackets from your dreams. And I want to share a story about what happened when I finally took the brackets off my dreams.

But first I want to talk to you about Soul Finder Academy. It’s an incredible class that teaches you how to use the SASS technique that leads to soul alignment. Because when you live in soul alignment, there are no brackets on your dreams and you know exactly want to do to bring your dreams into reality.

The SASS technique stands for…

S – Subconscious Awareness

You’ll become aware of the choices and habits that you are making that are keeping you stuck in the existence that is not to your liking.

A – Alignment with their Soul

Remembering the TRUTH of who you are

S – Soul Ignition which is also Spiritual Alignment

This is huge. This was huge for me. This has been huge for my students. You will hear how learning this new operating system can change your life. You reignite the light in your soul.

S – Synchronicity

Hold onto your hats and get ready for the ride of your life. This is when your soul and you are you walking hand and hand on your life journey and the Universe is supporting you all the way.

And Soul Finder Academy takes you through these steps step-by-step so you can integrate it into your life. Now, this program is not for everyone. It’s by application only and what’s involved is just getting on a call with my team. My team is amazing. We don’t do hard sells. So, if you want to reserve your call for a spot go to

And I want to give you an example of how this works.​​​​​​​

When I was working at MTV and NBC, I knew I wanted something else. I felt stuck and miserable. I didn’t want to go to my day job every single day. I was enjoying more of my hobbies and extracurricular activities. I wanted to do more of the activities outside of my workplace and I didn’t know how I was going to make that happen, but I didn’t worry about it. I took the brackets off my dreams. I removed the restrictions, the “how you’re going to do it”, the “you can’t do it all” the negative thinking. I took all the negative thinking out.

​​​​​​​I just started playing in my joy, which is the alignment part, right? The A in the SASS. So, in a few minutes, I’m going to share with you each of the SASS steps to help you get into soul alignment and fulfill your dreams. So, I was playing with my joy, and then I started really doing it more and more because it was more enjoyable to me than a job. It became really clear to me that I had to go towards my joy. I had to stop denying myself, my heart, and my soul. Because that’s when synchronicity happens. Opportunities started presenting themselves way ahead of time.

What happened with my acting career is I went to a Broadway play and they called me up on the stage to do something and I went on the stage and did some things. I was working at MTV still and I was on camera there a couple of times and someone said to me, “what’s going on with you?” I was studying acting and it kind of like the universe was confirming to me that this is what I was meant to do. This is the next thing I was supposed to do.

It gave me the belief, I was like, oh, the universe is opening the doors. That’s the S- Synchronicity. Doors open for you and you know exactly how to bring your dreams into reality. I’m so glad that I did that back then. And I didn’t worry about how it was going to happen. I just kept following my heart and my soul and listening to my soul.

So, I left my job and I got the lead part in an off-broadway play before my soul led me to step full-time into my work as a medium. One of my really good friends who works in TV came to my house where I’m living now. And she turned to me and asked me, how did you do this? How did you make this happen?

SASS is how I made it happen. So, I want to walk you through a guided visualization to help you remove the brackets from your dreams.

The visualization begins at minute 32:32 in the video below.

When you join Soul Finder Academy, you’ll learn to apply the SASS technique to master soul alignment, remove the brackets from your dreams, and discover the kind of synchronicity that happens with doors opening up for you to help you fulfill your dreams with ease.

Remember, it’s by application only, so if you think you might be a fit, I want you to schedule a call with my team. So, go to now to get your spot reserved.

