There is something that happens to women in their 50s that makes us go on a deeper spiritual quest to find our truth, our passion. I think we all wake up one day asking ourselves “Is this it?” We look around and many of us say “f&*k No! This can’t be it.” And that drives us into action to change things quickly.

One of those women was me. I already had a successful career as a medium/channeler and was teaching people around the world how to communicate with their guides when I woke up one morning realizing I needed to get the f&*k out of dodge, namely LA. I had to take my successful spiritual business and move it completely online so I could live anywhere I wanted to, and I did.

This 50-something native Brooklyn woman moved to a small town (think 7,000 small, wtf was I thinking?) to the woods not knowing a soul. And it was the best decision for me because, in that move, I discovered another aspect of my business, how to help women become spiritual entrepreneurs and free up their lives. Do the things they LOVE to do.

This calling came to me while I was standing on the deck of my new home when one of my first bosses from my TV production days came to visit me. There in front of the redwood trees. She looked at me, looked at the trees, looked at me again, then at the trees and back at me. I swear it was that many times, and said, “How did you do this?”, “How did you make this happen?”, and in that instant, I knew I was meant to help women leave their hamster wheel existence of a life and live their passion. A new portion of my business was born, and I followed it.

How One Simple Realization Can Change Your Life

Most of my friends stayed in their TV careers when I left over 25 years ago to pursue a new career. First as an actress, then as a medium/channeler. I made a promise to myself when I walked out the door of 30 Rockefeller Center, a great paying job with the Olympics, but still soul-sucking for me, that I would never work and be miserable again. I kept that promise and it proved to be a great one.

You may have felt this way too, whether or not you’re in your 50s. Your heart pounds in your chest at night, your breathing becomes shallow, and you fear going to sleep because you don’t want to wake up to the same ole’ same ole’ once again. Fearing that the existence you are living is the one you will live for the next ____ many years.

You decide to change it. You take classes. Read books. Meditate. Do more yoga. Hike. And all these tools and techniques bring you to the realization that the job you are in is no longer speaking to your soul.

Through further introspection, some coaching, online classes, you find your groove again. Excited, you discover all these untapped resources that you don’t get to use in your current state of employment. Your eyes open up to a new world of spiritual entrepreneurship and suddenly you keep seeing posts of people running a spiritual business and the lightbulb goes off. “I can do that, but how?” Well, I’m going to give you seven steps to create change now.

How to Start A Spiritual Business (7 Steps)

I teach women in my Next Level Living program, women just like you, how to engage their intuitive gifts (we all have them), ignite the light in their souls and live their life with passion and reason. I work with lawyers, nurses, professors, authors, therapists, etc. People like you and me that decided to leave their careers and start a spiritual business.

The first thing I want you to do is breathe. You are not crazy. You are listening to the sparks of light coming to life inside of you. Let me take you on a journey and give you steps to becoming a spiritual entrepreneur.

The first thing I’m going to tell you is you don’t have to leave your job yet while you build your business!! LET ME REPEAT THAT. Don’t leave your job while you build your business. I have seen too many people take a healing class and think that’s it. I can now build a six-figure business this weekend as a healer. It takes a little more work than that, so stop believing all the hoopla out there that says, “I did this one thing and made 100k in a month.” They aren’t telling you the things they have been doing for the past 5 years.

woman writing her business thoughts down on paper

Don’t worry. When you follow your passion, make a plan, and take action, your day job won’t be bringing you down. You will be excited and inspired. You will laugh all the way to the bank as you cash your check (does anyone have to go to a bank anymore to cash a check?) because you know you are making SMART choices and building the business of your dreams.

Those dreams in your heart – they are meant to be lived. You are meant to have a career as a spiritual entrepreneur. And get this: it’s not as hard as the job you have now because it’s not a job. It’s a passion, it’s your soul, and it’s your truth.

Step 1 – Pick A Date Now When You Are Going To Leave Your Job

Be realistic. Commit to it now. You may say, hey, Marilyn, that is easy because I’m done with this place. Here is the thing: you have to also commit to doing the work so that when you leave, your business is on its way to working for you.

Step 2 – Make A Plan For Your Spiritual Business

Get into light-minded communities and learn how to believe in yourself. Yes, you will need to study marketing, but you need to learn how to believe in yourself more than you need to learn how to create that funnel, write that FB post and build a website. Too many people (including me) spend a TON of money on a program to learn all the bells and whistles and when they are ready to employ them they are missing one crucial factor, they don’t yet believe in what they can do and are afraid of being seen and heard.

I have you covered! If you are looking to get into a great community with a mentor that believes in you, check out Next Level Living or send us an email at and tell me a bit about yourself.  I can then guide you through some of our programs that may be of assistance.

Step 3 – Write All The Things That You Love To Do That Changed Your Life

Write about why you like to do them and how you feel these things can help others.

Step 4 – Write Who You Are Passionate About Helping And Why

Get specific. It will probably be like who you are. This is a great thing. Usually your customer avatar (your client) is you. They represent the part of you that was stuck and now you are an expert and can help them, because you did it for yourself.

Step 5 – Now Ask Yourself, Where Do These People Hang Out Online?

Are they on Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram? What do they google? What do they search at night? And start doing a similar search on one or two of those platforms. Read what people say in the comments and ask yourself, as you read them, “how you can help them?”. You just found your ideal clients, something to talk about, and how you can help.

Step 6 – Pick A Platform And Start Talking About Things You Are Passionate About

If it’s FB create a page and leverage Facebook groups. I don’t care if no one is following you. They won’t know about you if you don’t open your mouth and share your magic. Start sharing it. Everything is energy anyway. The more you engage the energy of your light, the more people will find you. Every business has an audience, it’s just a question of where you want to start building your spiritual business’s audience today.

Step 7 – Write Down Your Next 3 Steps

You are on your way. Celebrate yourself and write your own next three steps. Don’t start tomorrow what you can do today. Nothing will change if you don’t take action. Alex Hormozi said, “If on your list is – I’ll start tomorrow, then you’re bound to fail. Start today.”

Remember, you can do this. Stop living a life that puts you to sleep and bores the heck out of you. Instead, get up feeling inspired, creative, passionate and in love with yourself. The only way you can get this wrong is to not do it at all. You do not know what is on the other side of this journey. It may not take you where you set out to be, but it will take you where you are meant to be and trust me, it’s more amazing than you can imagine.

More miraculous. You know why? Because it’s different from what you are living now, it’s your truth. It’s bigger than your dreams. It’s something you have never experienced before. Your heart will pound in your chest out of excitement, not boredom. No spiritual business is quite like another, each and every one is unique just like the person who built it.

Here’s to new beginnings. I’m here to help.