Marilyn’s Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Someone in my Facebook group asked me, how do you learn to love yourself?

That may seem like an odd question to some people, but for me, I fully understand it.

For years I didn’t love myself and you could see it in the people I dated and the life I was living. Loving myself didn’t come easy, because I experienced so many years where everyone around me knocked me down. From teachers, to priests, to friends and family. In my late 20s it got difficult, and I was unhappy. I was working at a career I hated in tons of therapy and felt lost.

That was until I decided I would take my life back and love myself completely. I ended friendships. Left my very lucrative career and began living a life from my heart and soul. It wasn’t easy, but the only thing harder was to not do it. I had to do it to survive.

Now I live a life on my terms. Some people don’t understand how quick I can be to cut a relationship off, but I don’t waste any time. If a person is mean to me, exhibits unbalanced behavior or has other traits I find disturbing, I’m done. If a student is difficult, I let them go. Life is too short. I love myself first and then I can love you.

Want to know the first trick to loving yourself, answer with an emoji below that shows me you are ready to take a stand and love yourself completely.



Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. As the creator of Soul Finder Academy and Membership for Your Soul, she has given us a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams and living in alignment with our souls.

Marilyn teaches spirituality in a way that leads to a practical, meaningful, and joyous life—no unicorns, flying carpets, or impossible routines required. She simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, making true fulfillment easy and achievable for her students.

After a successful, Emmy Award-winning career in the entertainment industry with MTV and NBC Olympics, Marilyn shifted her focus to sharing her natural gifts and helping others discover their own intuitive abilities. As a psychic medium, healer, teacher, author, and speaker, she lights up audiences around the world, delivering the training and guidance needed to succeed, thrive, and prosper.