Marilyn’s Soul Sessions

How are you?

This week’s topic is, “Am I Gifted Enough to Channel? Three Questions to Ask Yourself to Know Whether or Not You Are”.

People come up to me all the time and ask me things such as:

  • Am I special enough to channel?
  • Can I trust what I see/hear/feel?
  • Can I really get answers for myself?
  • Are the answers I’m getting truly the wisdom that sits inside my soul?
  • Who am I to be channeling?

Have you ever wondered any of those things? If so, you’re obviously not alone. Let’s dive in and get you some answers.

Three Questions That Help You Know If You Can Channel

I’d like you to honestly answer the following three questions and follow through with the tips:

1. Are you conscious enough? Are you aware of what’s going on around you, what your friends are saying, what birds you’re seeing, what sounds you’re hearing, what books are constantly being recommended, etc.? If you aren’t taking time to be conscious, you’re missing the answers to the questions you ask.

Tip: Wake up in the morning, ask a question, and then promise to spend five minutes being conscious. (Set a timer for five minutes and be fully conscious!) Don’t worry if you ask your question, and all you see is a hummingbird. In the moment, you might wonder how a hummingbird answers your question about where to live or who to love but just hang with it. Accepting answers allows you to open up to even more guidance.

2. Am I gifted enough? This is such an important question! Frankly, the answer to this is YES! Don’t let your beliefs or someone else limit you. Your way is your way, and it’s a good way. Celebrate who you are!

Tip: Write down three amazing gifts that you have—things you love about yourself. And then, remind yourself of those things every day.

3. How do I trust what I’m hearing? People say, But Marilyn, it sounds like my voice. It’s exactly what I want to hear. Etc.”

Activity: Pick up something small that’s right by you, and then immediately drop it. What happened? Gravity happened. We can’t see it, but we know it’s there. We trust unseen gravity to keep us on this planet. So, why can’t we trust what we hear and see when we’re channeling?

Tip: Promise to trust. Decide to trust and walk forward into the guidance you receive.
I’m done with psychics who say you have to be channeling since birth, talking in tongues, etc. That’s all bull! You can be 85, 35, or whatever age, walking your dog, drinking your coffee, or singing in the shower, and YOU can channel today.

Weekly Wisdom: There’s magic in walking forward, in making decisions and following through, and in channeling your Guides and taking action. Magic doesn’t happen when you’re constantly sitting on the fence and afraid of making decisions. Trust and move forward!

Everyone can channel. If you’d like some extra help, I’m offering training that includes a free month of Membership for Your Soul. You can learn more here: ➔

Personal Story:

I woke up grouchy this morning. I was in a knot and wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was really pissed. I journaled because that’s what I do every morning. Then, I went into another room and channeled with my Guides. After the session, I was still pissed.

My Guides suggested I go for a walk and take my recorder. I always record what I say to them and what they say to me. So, my recorder is almost full. It has like 200 recordings on it that need to be uploaded. But they said to take it with me, go to file five and recording four, and listen to it while I walked. Remember, there are 200 recordings on it, so there’s no way I consciously know what each recording contains!

This particular session was from October 20, 2017. I listened as I walked, and that recording answered everything my soul was wondering. They gave me all the answers I needed to feel right with the world today, and they did it in a recording I did over five months ago!

Now, I’m just a girl who grew up in Brooklyn. My father was a cop, and my mom was a school teacher. I lived with them, three crazy brothers, some hamsters, gerbils, cats, chickens, and dogs in a small apartment. Who am I to channel the incredible teachings available in every one of us?

If I can do it, so can you.

In fact, I was meditating the first time I started channeling. And I asked how I could know if it was real or if I was just making it all up. And do you know what my Guides said to me? They said, “Who cares? We’re giving you excellent advice!”

And they were right!

Everyone can channel. If you’d like some extra help, I’m offering training that includes a free month of Membership for Your Soul. You can learn more here: ➔

➔ Here’s the Facebook Live if you’d like to watch it.

Next week, join me on Wednesday at 11am where I’ll be talking about Finding “Your Tribe” Where Your True Self Can Be Seen. I’m looking forward to seeing you then!


➔ I go live every week on my business page, and you can join it here You can make this page a shortcut on Facebook, so you don’t lose it.