Just the other day, I was struggling with some real heartache, and I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. I heard my Guides say, “Call Ruth.”

So I picked up the phone and called my friend, Ruth, a wonderful medium who I have known for years. When I explained what I was feeling, she told me she was having the exact same experience and started rattling off a bunch of names of other people she knew that were going through the same thing as well.

She said it was such an intense time in our world right now that we had been feeling the heartache of the universe. I knew right away that what she said was true. And instantaneously, the pain went away. Once I could name the pain, it was gone. It’s still gone. Understanding is all we need to help us clear an ache in our hearts or a sick feeling in our stomachs.

I share all of this with you because I have a sense that you know what I’m talking about and that some of you are going through a similar heartache. I wanted to tell you that it’s okay to feel this way.

When I’m having heartache, I tend to get down on myself for the feeling. I want to fix it right away. I want to know what’s wrong with me that I feel that way. Where did it start? Who or what caused it? How can I get rid of it?

When the truth is, sometimes you just need to sit in it and feel it and talk to it.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and if you are anything like me, you feel it deeply. I’m amazed that certain people that can witness something horrible and just keep on going about their day. I sit there, analyze it, take it apart, pray about it, talk to my Guides about it, learn from it and release it. I have come to realize the experiences that hit me hardest mean my soul family must have been involved. I have also come to realize and accept that this is just who I am. I am a feeling person. I experience life differently from the majority of people out there. And that’s okay. I am who I am and I love myself for it.

The other day, I was at the supermarket and the cashier and another customer were talking about some tragic event that recently happened. I mentioned that I don’t read the news. They were both appalled at my statement and told me so. I was actually reprimanded for not staying up to date with current events. Like, “How stupid could I be?”

It didn’t bother me. I’ve been challenged like this before, even from people in my own family. I simply stood my ground and spoke my truth.  They got quiet. They knew there was nothing they could say that would change how I felt, and that was good.

I bring these stories up because it’s essential that we stay in our truth. Our truth lives in our throat and heart chakras and we must not deny what we feel to be truth, no matter whether our loved ones or even the cashier understands us.

I want to give you permission to feel, to speak what you feel and to celebrate who you are.  I applaud it.

I also wanted to tell you that I’m doing a new live class on Thursday, August 18th about clairaudience. I bring up “truth” because we will also be talking about the significance of speaking and hearing your truth in this class. My classes have changed a bit to optimize the courses, and they are much more structured. Each class has a video and an e-book that is over 40 pages long. So if you are interested in participating or finding out more about the psychic bundle classes, click here.

In the spirit of total transparency, I want you to know that you are going to be receiving quite a few emails about these classes in the next few months. I want to tell you that I promise that 90% of these emails will have some pertinent teaching information (whether I teach by story or share a technique) so you can benefit from reading them,  whether you take the class or not.

One more gift for all of you…

Every Friday I’m now issuing a wonderful newsletter full of tips to members. I would like to offer this newsletter to all of you.  If you are interested in receiving this email each Friday, click here.

You can unsubscribe from this email list at any time and still receive my other emails.

Thanks everyone for being part of tribe!  Love you all!