Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Face your fear. It’s good advice, but fear can be crippling. It makes you want to run away, shut down, and wonder if you’re making the biggest mistake of your life.

Knowing that working through your fear will make you stronger and teach you more about who you are can help, but it doesn’t stop the fear, does it?

Weekly Wisdom: “Fear has two meanings. Forget everything and run, or face everything and rise. The choice is yours.”  ~ Zig Ziglar

Years ago, I worked for NBC Olympics. I headed the Profiles Department on the logistical side and won an Emmy at the tender age of 31. It was a great job with wonderful people, but my soul wanted something else.

So, I left my career to pursue acting. I’ll never forget stepping into the VP’s office to tell her I wouldn’t be able to work for them anymore because I was going to act. I said it with such conviction. I deeply believed in myself and my dream. Frankly, I was so naïve about the acting world that I’m not even sure “face your fear” applied to that part of my decision.

A few days later, I stood on a stage in front of some of the biggest names in the industry, excited and ready to launch my new career. I delivered my lines, and to my horror, I completely bombed. It was awful. There’s no other way to say it than to say that I sucked.

I went home and cried with my head in my hands. Not only was I disappointed in myself, but I was also terrified about the massive mistake I’d just made with my career. I reached out to a friend and told her how I had just given up my high-paying job to follow my dream, only to realize that I sucked at it.

My friend calmly told me that it was just one experience and that I didn’t need to throw my dream away over one failure. She said it with love, but her advice was basically, “Face your fears and try again.”

It was all I could do, but I found an open call for another show, faced my fear, and went for it. That day, I didn’t suck. I earned a part that over a hundred other actresses tried out for. I played Tina in Tony n’ Tina’s wedding—one of the longest-running off-Broadway shows of all time.

You can let one bad experience (or even a string of them) define your life, or you can use what you learn to face your fears. The choice is yours, but I can highly recommend the latter.

Next week, I’m going to share a tool that you can use to get you through those times when you feel down and lost.



P.S. – Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow:

1. Join my free Facebook community. 
It’s a supportive, free Facebook group community full of like-minded individuals. You can find that here, and please be sure to answer the questions.

2. Become a #soulstar.
Join my #soulstars in Membership for Your Soul, where you can ask questions, get support, and get much more access to me. If you are looking for a tribe of amazing people who are doing the work with love and kindness, this is it. You also get lessons, bonuses, guest speakers, and Q&A calls each month, along with some surprises.

3. Sign up for a reading with me.

Next Level Living

This year-long program focuses on YOU living your life with purpose. We will deep dive into your soul, your gifts so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be while living your greatest adventure.

4. 1-on-1 Coaching. 
Coaching sessions will not only help you find your joy and passion, but they’ll also help you put it into your everyday life—through your current career or a new one—so that you can create a life you love living. If you are interested, please fill out the application.