A Magical Journey for All of You

Discover the transformative power of intentions, self-belief, and unwavering determination in this captivating episode in this magical journey of an episode. Learn how to set intentions, trust in your abilities, and interpret the symbols guiding your path. Empower yourself to manifest your dreams and refuse to give up on what you truly desire. Tune in now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.


Join me in a heartfelt and vulnerable episode as I share a recent business setback. Despite running a successful business, I, too, face my own obstacles. By sharing this story, I hope to offer valuable insights and inspiration to empower you on your own journey.

In this enlightening conversation, we delve into the significance of intentions, self-belief, and mindset. Setting clear intentions provides us with a roadmap, guiding our path toward our desired destinations. Just like driving a car, we sit in the driver’s seat, with our spiritual guide beside us, ready to offer guidance. However, without expressing our intentions, they cannot navigate us effectively. Without direction, we may encounter signs from the universe, but fail to comprehend their meaning.

Surrendering to the journey, we discover that Spirit holds something far greater for us. By embracing the path and remaining attuned to the symbols and guidance along the way, we can unlock remarkable possibilities.

Yet, the most vital takeaway from this episode is this: never give up on yourself. Even when the universe presents obstacles at every turn, hold steadfast to your goals. Your unwavering belief in yourself is paramount, as nobody else can manifest your dreams on your behalf. Don’t wait for external validation; trust in your own abilities and refuse to relinquish what you genuinely desire.

Key Takeaways:
  1. Believing in yourself: Explore the transformative power of self-belief and its profound impact on achieving your goals. Learn how to cultivate unwavering faith in your abilities, even in the face of challenges.
  2. Setting intentions and manifesting: Discover the art of setting clear intentions and aligning your mindset to manifest your desires. Unleash the power of intention as a guiding force on your journey towards success and fulfillment.
  3. Interpreting symbols: Gain insights into the language of symbolism and how it can serve as a guiding compass in your life. Learn to decipher the signs and messages from the universe, offering profound guidance and support.

Embark on a transformative exploration of intentions, self-belief, and unwavering determination. Through a candid account of a recent business setback, we learn the significance of setting intentions, surrendering to the journey, and embracing the guidance of spirit. Remember, the key to achieving your goals lies within your unshakable belief in yourself. Trust in your own abilities, set clear intentions, and remain open to the profound wisdom encoded in the symbols along your path. Tune in now to unlock the power within you.

Ways to work with me:

I’m helping powerful people daily shift their humdrum life from finger-tapping boring to exciting experiences deeply rooted in their hearts and soul. If you are ready to get out of the box of your life. Engage intuitive tools, elevating your life and business. Finally, bringing your mission to the world, whether through speaking on stages, creating your signature product, healing the masses, writing a book, producing your film, or all of the above, then book a call with me. You have nothing to lose but time, and you already watch that pass you by daily.

Next Level Living, go to  www.marilynalauria.com/next.

Looking to break free from analysis paralysis and overcome your fear of making the wrong choices? It’s time to stop procrastinating and start taking action toward your goals. Sign up for an intuitive life strategy session where I tap into my guides to provide insight into your expansion and identify what’s holding you back. Together, we’ll develop a personalized strategy to create momentum and unleash your true potential. Click here to join me for this transformative 50-minute session and leave with a renewed sense of clarity, inspiration, and a concrete action plan for success.

Need some major mindset shifts, and everything you tried has failed? Try our free tool to shift your thinking once and for all. You can thank me later. JoinSASS.com

In this episode you will learn about:
  • Believing in yourself
  • Setting intentions and the mindset to make them come true
  • Interpreting symbols

01:10 – shout out to Cathy on Podbean

01:38 – something to help with you goal-setting

07:49 – an important teaching story

14:51 – setting your goal/intention and what to know

22:57 – an Abraham Hicks story

24:29 – do symbols lie to you?

47:20 – some important points to make

55:40 – in summary about paying attention when you are going through something

Related episodes:

Eps 37: Free Will is Yours for the Taking


Eps 17: Follow Your Symbols


Eps 22: Magic is in the Air


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