Soul Medium, Spiritual Coach and Storyteller, Deneen Joyner is joining me on the podcast for a wonderful interview.

Deneen’s sole mission is to guide others on how to follow the footprints left by their ancestors, to uncover the spiritual inheritance tied to their pain, gifts, and destiny, so they may heal and fulfill their holy assignments.

As a seventh-generation shaman and heiress to her ancestors’ ancient indigenous practices and self-guided soul healing, Deneen offers a unique approach to how women can partner with themselves and their pain to clear their souls.

Deneen is baring her soul and telling her journey of healing all her pain after experiencing a difficult life from early on and traumatic events as a  young adult. I’m sure you will find many gems in what she shared that will ignite you on your own healing path.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Soul wounds
  • Spiritual inheritance
  • Healing with your ancestors

08:07 – Interview with Deneen begins with her journey

16:00 – Living with two cultures

25:59 – Deneen’s healing journey

36:27 – What’s heard most about pain

38:11 – How Deneen works with people

57:00 – The pain process now

59:17 – Spiritual Inheritance

Reading for you: 


Stillness is what your soul needs right now. Your thoughts are going, going, and going. Take a moment to breathe in and sit. Breathe stillness into the parts of your body that are craving attention. Even if you take one minute a day to do this, you will begin to feel more peaceful. As you sit in stillness, get clear about what you desire in your life. Where are you having fun? Where are you stagnant? What do you need to feed your soul? What would you like to change? Where can you play more? Close your eyes and remember a magical vacation or fun time you had and go there now. How does that make you feel? That feeling wants to be present in your life every day. Your focus this week is creating magic, whatever that means to you. 


Take a bath in saltwater. Feel your body go deep into the memory of why you are here. Breathe in the light of the stars and carry that light to the depths of your soul. Sprinkle the stars inside your body. See them light up different areas of your body. See stars light up your hand. Now that hand has magic in it. What can you do with it to make yourself remember who you are? Write with it. Pet a beloved animal. Touch a tree. Touch your own face. Spirit is reminding you, you are here for a reason. Remind yourself what you love and know that has everything to do with why you are here. Your focus this week is remembering the star that you are. 


Flow into your life. Open the doors and let life flow in. Let abundance flow in. Let love flow in. Somewhere along the way, you stopped experiencing the kind of flow you desire. Then you stopped dreaming, asking for what you want. Get clear, then ask, go to a door, open it up and feel the flow of spirit rush in to guide you to your destiny. Run your hands under water—splash water on your face. You are alive. Drink the water and feel its goodness fill you up. Always replenishing you with bright life. Close your eyes and feel it fill you up with whatever you need. Is it love? Peace? Magic? You can just close your eyes and feel whatever it is you need. Your focus this week is to remember you are only a door away from what you want to feel. Open that door.

Related episodes:

Eps 25:Interview with Leisa Peterson and a reading

Eps 12: Oops, there goes my purpose:

Eps 16: The One Thing That Opens Your Psychic Ability

Don’t forget new episodes come out every Thursday!

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