Marilyn’s Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions

Your dreams were placed on your heart for a reason, but it might not be what you think…

When I was 5-years-old, I was bouncing down 86th street with my mother’s friend, and she asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.

“An actress,” I said with the spunk and vigor we bring to everything at that age.

She laughed and was like, “You can’t do that.”

Even as a child, I had the attitude of “I’m going to prove you wrong” but throughout my life, people kept squashing that dream. They just kept knocking it down.

So, I didn’t do that dream. I spent years behind the scenes, working at MTV, NBC Olympics, and Fox. I cried a lot. I was miserable and I didn’t like what I was doing.

That dream of wanting to be an actress was still alive in me, so finally, I left production and became what I had always wanted to be. And things were going great…

But after a while, I really didn’t want to act anymore. When I asked myself why I had wanted to be an actress in the first place, I discovered I had wanted to be seen, to tell my story, to touch people’s lives, to make people laugh, and to create change in people.

And all of what I wanted to do at 5-years-old, I’m doing in my career today.

Have you ever thought about WHY you want what you want? Have you ever looked at what your TRUE DESIRE is?

I did a Facebook Live that will help you get in touch with that part of you that knows EXACTLY what you want to be and how you can bring it into your life experience today.

Because ultimately, that connection to your soul’s desires is how you truly manifest the life you’ve ALWAYS wanted to live.

Plus, there’s a powerful guided visualization to help you get in touch with that part of you at minute 29:20. You can watch it here:

After you watch the video, you’ll be able to reconnect with the part of you that had these dreams, which is so important because you may still be holding onto them and they’re probably holding you back.

It may be making you feel regretful or mournful or sad. Whatever the story is that you’re telling yourself, it’s holding you back from your own light. It’s holding the world back from your light.

And frankly, that’s unacceptable to me. I’m not okay with standing on the sidelines watching people live a half-life, unaware of who they truly are when I know there is so much more available to them.

Most of us are just stuck in a whole lot of outdated programming, habits, and ways of thinking that are blocking our truth.

It’s why I created the Soul Finder Academy. Because it was put on my heart to share the tools of aligning to your soul so you can live an epic life.

It’s an incredible course, and it’s habit-changing. I’m so passionate about this course, and I know it can help you, so I want to invite you to join us. It’s by application only and our team will help you make sure it’s a good fit.

You can start here by scheduling your call.

What do you want to do in your life? How do you want to live your life every single day? How do you want to wake up?

You can create a life from your passions, from your joys, from what it is that excites you.



P.S. I want you to make a commitment to growing your light. Because when you live and breathe your own light, you attract in the things that are really in alignment with your soul. And it helps to have a navigational tool. That’s why I created this class. You can begin your application by scheduling a call HERE.

P.P.S. One of my favorite things about the Soul Finder Academy is that it helps you make decisions with certainty and confidence. So, if you’ve been on the fence, I’d like to lovingly suggest that it might be exactly what you need. And if you’re still on the fence, I invite you to go ahead and chat with our team. We’d love to answer all your questions. Click here to schedule your call

P.P.S. Catch the replay of my latest live from this week right here.