Marilyn’s Soul Sessions

Tag. You’re it!

When life hits you with something unexpected, that’s kind of how it feels, isn’t it? Sometimes the message is delivered with a tap on the shoulder, and other times, it’s a sucker punch straight to your gut.

You can be nearly drowning in grief, tossing and turning with uncertainty, or even facing something you knew would eventually arrive (how did it go from so far away to staring you in the face?), but suddenly, you’re it.

The future in front of you is no longer quite what you thought it would be, and that knowledge changes everything. But it’s not the rush you felt the first time you fell in love, drove a car, or discovered that sitting wasn’t all you could do in a back seat.

Back then, exploring things was a way of life. You tried on new ideas and considered possible options as easily as a new pair of jeans. Now, well, all that exploring led you to define yourself, pick paths, and feel quite attached to familiar things.

So, now what?

How do you go forward from here? Or for that matter, what’s ‘going forward’ even mean for you?

No matter how big the change, if you’re still breathing, life isn’t over and there is a ‘forward’ for you to go to. Things are different, but you have time to heal, explore, discover new things that light you up, fill your world with love and meaning, and even thrive.

Weekly Wisdom: “Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice.”  ~Heather Ash Amara

Getting started

There are many starting points, but all of them are easier if you learn to trust your inner guidance and wisdom.

Let’s play a bit to help you tap into that.

  1. Think back to when you were fairly young. Maybe to the first time you had a broken heart or that time you did something and knew that your parents were going to ‘kill you’ or that someone would never forgive you.
  2. Did you survive?
  3. What did you learn, or what gift did the experience give you?
  4. If you could talk to your younger self at that moment, what would you say?
  5. Would your advice from #4 have helped your younger self? How, or why not?

Write down your answers and hang on to them. Next week, we’ll go a step further.



➔ I go live almost every week on my business page, and you can join it here You can make this page a shortcut on Facebook, so you don’t lose it.

➔ Although I will miss talking with you, I’m moving into my new home next week and won’t be doing a Facebook Live. However, I’ll be back the week after that!