Marilyn’s Soul Alignment Strategy Sessions


I went live recently to discuss time hopping. You can see a summary below, but if you would like to watch it, you can do that below. 


If you want the free gift, then you must go over to the actual video found here. Be sure to comment with the word SASS by itself to get a free gift delivered directly to your Facebook Messenger. Once the message pops up, just follow the directions.


We are in a moment of manifestation. We’re in a moment of synchronicity. We’re in a moment of creating what we desire. Now, more than ever, we hold the capability to time hop the manifestation of our desires. The timelines have blurred to make manifestation so much more powerful.


Many of us have been experiencing the most creativity and connection to our inner guidance we’ve ever felt. We’re able to make clear, conscious decisions about life. And at night, we are holding the vision of what we want to create, sometimes through vivid dreams. We may even find ourselves traveling in dreams, and we wake up really tired. If you have felt this, you aren’t alone. If you haven’t yet experienced it, you can still tap into the power of manifesting during this time.


One of the most interesting experiences right now has been timelines getting blurred. Have you looked up at the clock lately and wondered, “where did the time go?” Or maybe you’ve just felt that time has blurred for you. Or you walked into your kitchen and wondered how you got there. This happened when I first opened up to my mediumship. I’d wake up in the kitchen and wonder how I got in the room and what happened to the past six hours. You may think you just forgot something, but you were likely in other places. Time is not linear. It’s happening all at the same time. So now more than ever, we could jump into parallel lives.


There are, right now, parallel versions of you who have already manifested your desires. Right now, you can access those parallel lives and time hop your manifestation.


Here Are The Seven Steps To Time Hopping Manifestation


1. Know What You Want To Create In Life


You must be clear about what you want to create in life. Be honest with yourself and take extra care to ensure that you are not basing your decisions on the image of you that other people see. You are the only one who is qualified to make impactful decisions for your own life in this reality. Do not limit yourself to what you think is realistic. When you live in soul alignment, synchronicities line up for you, and miracles become an everyday experience. Your soul knows the dreams that you are meant to live. Trust it. Believe in it. Get clear about the life you want to create. The moment you have a thought or a desire for something, it exists for you somewhere in space and time.


2. Believe It Is Actually Happening


If you can hold the image of something in your mind’s eye, you can manifest it in this reality. Remember, there are parallel universes where every thought you’ve had has manifested. All of your dreams have already come true. It may sound crazy at first. Yet, if you were to forget about any element of crazy, and believe that you could imagine anything and then actually have it…you would have incredible power!


We tend to block our natural capabilities before they even start. Sometimes it’s because we don’t believe that we can find success pursuing our passions, or we don’t believe that we can find a way to what we truly desire. In this case, something in our subconscious mind is limiting us from living our dreams. There is so much power in shifting these beliefs. Open yourself up to the truth that your dreams already exist for you.


3. Bring Awareness To Your Subconscious Thoughts


Always pause before you react to what’s going on inside or outside of your head. You need to pause to know how you feel. Take a minute to be with yourself. Think about how you feel at that moment. In fact, ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” This question will bring us closer to that subconscious thinking (that is going on whether we are aware of it or not.) If you don’t get in touch with your subconscious thinking, that gap between where you are today and what you desire will only grow bigger.


When you pause and get in touch with yourself, you are bringing awareness to your subconscious. It’s called the subconscious for a reason – you are not conscious about this area of your mind! The longer that you go without making contact with this part of our mind, the further you become from desires. Practice the skill of pausing to ask yourself what you are feeling again and again throughout the day.


4. Know You Have A Gift


Whether you call it God, the Universe, Source – whatever it may be, there is a single source of consciousness connecting all of us together. Everything is connected, and we are souls incarnated in this place to have the experience that can only happen here and now. You were meant to be here at this moment, and you have been equipped with the gifts that only you can possess. You are MEANT for something every day, and nothing is meaningless!


It’s very likely that your subconscious mind has not been accustomed to thinking along with those terms. When you are able to get more in touch with your subconscious mind, some things may surface such as fear or long-standing beliefs about your self-worth that have been around since childhood. If you discover that it’s fear that’s holding you back from taking that step towards your dreams, you can reason with your subconscious thoughts. Because your subconscious mind develops during childhood, it operates much like a child. It seeks to understand “why.” If you’ve ever spent much time around children, you’ll know that “why?” is a favorite question. The same is true of the subconscious mind. Reasoning with it, or in other words, giving it a reason for WHY the belief isn’t true or no longer serves you can be very effective. Fear has to be faced sooner or later because the alternative is living a life of contradiction, never leaving your shell. Life is meant to be peaceful, joyful, and well, FULL of everything we desire.


5. Pay Attention To What You Wanted When You Were Younger


What did you want to be when you were younger? And what about that appealed to you? From a young age, you’ve known where you want to go in your life, career, relationships, etc. Very clearly, too. What you wanted to be when you were five is what you are meant to do. It may not be the exact occupation, but the pillars are there. I wanted to be an actress. I even had a successful career as an actress, but eventually, I decided it wasn’t in alignment with my soul anymore. I wanted to spend my time on my gifts, my mediumship, and my teaching, so that’s what I did, and it’s been the greatest decision because I still get to do all of the things I loved about acting. I still get to entertain through storytelling, make people laugh, and bring joy to their lives. Plus, now, I get to do it as me instead of pretending to be someone else.


What about your deep-set passions felt in alignment when you were young? Now, ask yourself if you are still in alignment with those values.


6. Focus On Joy


Joy is one of the most powerful states for manifestation. It also can guide us to our soul’s purpose and alignment. The more we can spend our time on the things that bring us joy, the better our lives become. One of the most powerful tools I’ve used to create my life and help my students create a life they love is a joy list. Keep track of the activities you do throughout the day. Rate each one on a scale from one to ten. One brings you the least joy, and ten brings you the most.

Then, note which activities you rated a seven or higher. Spend time on your seven-to-tens. Think of ways in which you can reorient your days so that you place your main focus on those activities. Make sure that they are non-negotiable in your day.


7. Apply The SASS Framework


It is possible for the Universe to bring you whatever you desire. Instead of coming from a place of reactivity, you can operate in awareness of every moment from a place of joy and gratitude. You make decisions with confidence, and you move forward toward your dreams with ease. This is what it’s like to live in soul alignment and to be in a state of synchronicity, which is part of my SASS framework.


SASS is something I teach in Soul Finder Academy. It’s there that we delve into applying the SASS framework to your life through bite-sized lessons, but at its basics, you can understand it as:

  • Subconscious Thinking
  • Alignment
  • Soul Ignition
  • Synchronicity

When you have found alignment with your subconscious thoughts, you understand that those voices of doubt and fear in your head are not YOU. They are stories that you have picked up along your journey and nothing more. You can set your soul and spirit ablaze and pick the best course of action where you live in soul alignment. You are clear on your purpose and your direction. And because you are in such a state of synchronicity, the thing to support you simply shows up. That is when manifestation happens at warp speed.


Final Thoughts


You must be willing to dream without borders or restrictions. Drop all your expectations and preconceived notions of what you think will happen in the future based on your past experiences. I call this “dreaming with brackets on.” When the brackets come off, the most miraculous synchronicities begin to appear all over the place!


Right now, we have entered into a phase of alignment where our soul can speak loud. Allow for the creation to come naturally, and use the time we’ve got. Make the most of it. It’s not often that we have these periods of time where we can be in such creation mode. This is your moment to align with your soul and time hop the creation of a reality you love.


Go get your free gift!


Again, I have a free gift for you. If you go to the live video here. Just comment with the word SASS by itself to get a free gift delivered directly to your Facebook Messenger and then follow the directions.





Marilyn Alauria is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. As the creator of Soul Finder Academy and Membership for Your Soul, she has given us a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams and living in alignment with our souls.


Marilyn teaches spirituality in a way that leads to a practical, meaningful, and joyous life—no unicorns, flying carpets, or impossible routines required. She simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, making true fulfillment easy and achievable for her students.


After a successful, Emmy Award-winning career in the entertainment industry with MTV and NBC Olympics, Marilyn shifted her focus to sharing her natural gifts and helping others discover their own intuitive abilities. As a psychic medium, healer, teacher, author, and speaker, she lights up audiences around the world, delivering the training and guidance needed to succeed, thrive, and prosper.