Unlock the Hidden Language of Your Soul

Discover the Power of Symbols

Have you ever experienced a moment where a symbol seemed to speak directly to your soul, offering profound insights or guidance that transcended words?

Do you sense that there’s a deeper meaning behind the everyday symbols that appear in your life, but you’re not sure how to interpret them?

Unlock the Hidden Language of Your Soul

Discover the Power of Symbols

Have you ever experienced a moment where a symbol seemed to speak directly to your soul, offering profound insights or guidance that transcended words?

Do you sense that there’s a deeper meaning behind the everyday symbols that appear in your life, but you’re not sure how to interpret them?


✨Tap into the Wisdom of Your Soul:

Our journey begins with the understanding that symbols are not merely random images or objects—they are powerful messengers from the depths of our subconscious mind and the universe itself. As we delve into the symbolic language of the soul, you’ll learn to decipher the hidden messages encoded within everyday signs, dreams, and synchronicities.

✨Communicate with Your Guides:

Your Guides are constantly communicating with you through the language of symbols, offering guidance, support, and encouragement on your journey. In this class, you’ll discover how to establish a deep and meaningful connection with your Guides, allowing you to receive clear insights and answers to the questions that weigh heavy on your heart.

✨Empower Yourself with Clarity and Insight:

By learning to interpret symbols based on your unique life experiences and inner wisdom, you’ll gain a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges, making decisions, and uncovering your true path. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a specific issue, seeking guidance in times of uncertainty, or simply yearning to deepen your spiritual connection, the Symbols Class offers invaluable insights and practical techniques to support your journey.

Energetic Space Clearing Meditation

Welcome to the Symbols Class, where you’ll embark on a transformative journey into the rich and mysterious world of symbolic language. Drawing upon my own experiences and teachings from my Guides, I’ll guide you through an exploration of symbols and their profound significance in your life.

Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul:

Are you ready to unlock the hidden wisdom of your soul and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Join us in the Symbols Class and awaken to the profound beauty and meaning that surrounds you each and every day.🌟

What You’ll Learn:

Understanding the Language of Symbols: Explore the profound significance of symbols and their role in guiding and illuminating your path.

Communicating with Your Guides: Learn how to establish a direct line of communication with your Guides through the language of symbols.

Interpreting Symbols: Develop the skills to interpret symbols based on your unique life experiences, intuition, and inner guidance.

Practical Application: Discover how to apply symbolic insights to real-life situations, empowering you to make decisions with confidence and clarity.

Harnessing Synchronicities: Learn to recognize and interpret synchronicities as meaningful messages from the universe, guiding you towards your highest potential.

Cultivating Intuition: Develop techniques to enhance your intuitive abilities and deepen your connection to the wisdom of your soul.

About Marilyn

Marilyn Alauria, author of GUIDES: Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers, is a gifted psychic medium, teacher, and coach with an unmatched capacity to ignite deep, soul-level transformation for her clients around the world. 

As the creator of Next Level Living and Soul Finder Academy, she has given us a clear action plan for developing our talents, following our purpose, fulfilling our dreams, and living in alignment with our souls. 

Marilyn teaches spirituality in a way that leads to a practical, meaningful, and joyous life—no unicorns, flying carpets, or impossible routines required. She simplifies the path to living a life of peace, ease, and alignment, making true fulfillment easy and achievable for her students. After a successful Emmy Award-winning career in the entertainment industry with MTV and NBC Olympics, Marilyn shifted her focus to sharing her natural gifts and helping others discover their own intuitive abilities. As a psychic medium, healer, teacher, author, and speaker, she lights up audiences around the world, delivering the training and guidance needed to succeed, thrive, and prosper.


Carolee B.

One of the things I love about Marilyn’s classes is the practical tools she gives to help you navigate through every day life. And she teaches different ways to use the same tool, or to create one of your own. For example, when she taught about Protection, she gave four different ways to energetically protect yourself so that you could feel which one fits you best. I also love that she shares and teaches from her own experiences in life. This either validates what I have already experienced, or gives me the possibility of what else can be experienced. I also love the exercises and mediations she takes you through to help you feel and experience what she is teaching. She is supportive in allowing each person to learn in their own unique way and she makes certain to reach out and help those who are struggling in the class. Her intuitive insights give you alternatives to overcome any obstacles that keep you from moving forward in learning how to use your own intuitive abilities. I’ve taken several of her classes and I find them enlightening, sourcing, and expansive. I will continue recommend Marilyn’s classes to everyone.

Lorelei H.

Marilyn’s teaching ability and style are very refreshing and down to earth. I have taken herEmpathic Abilities, Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience classes and have found all three classes to be very helpful, informative and enjoyable. The content and relevance of each class was exceptional, as was Marilyn’s insight and guidance.

Before taking Marilyn’s classes I felt stuck. I did not understand or trust some of my abilities. Now, I feel empowered. I will be forever grateful to Marilyn for providing me with the tools I needed to move forward in a confident manner.


I’ve taken several of Marilyn’s courses and find them to be absolutely inspiring. The content in her courses heightens my awareness of the signs and symbols we receive everyday.  I’ve taken her Empathetic Abilities, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Dreams and Symbols courses and even my husband stops what he’s doing to listen in on the calls or replays.   Each of these courses have given us excellent takeaways. What I love about Marilyn is that she is straightforward, to the point and doesn’t fill the air ways with a lot of fluff.  She wants her members to learn and benefit from these abilities, which by the way we all have.  Marilyn is all about guiding her members to reconnect with their soul’s essence and rediscover their passions. If you’re ready to do the work, Marilyn is an excellent guide to lead you on the path of living the life of your authentic self. She is truly committed to this work and being a part of this group has enriched my life.