I will give you a special Chakra Abundance Meditation in this episode. It involves chakra meditation which I’ve developed in the past for the Membership for Your Soul, and I’ve received a great deal of awe-inspiring reaction. People felt as if they were taken on spectacular journeys. And because I’ve been requested for years and years to sell my meditation, I want to share some of it with you all for free.

First, let’s define abundance. Abundance is not solely defined by monetary wealth; rather, it refers to the ways in which we are able to receive in our lives and the permission we give ourselves to do so. Also, it is about acknowledging the truth that everyone is abundant regardless of their circumstances. When you start paying attention to the areas of your life in which you already have abundance, you begin to create even more abundance for yourself.

To really change your life, you must already feel abundant in your life, and you must change the vibration of your energy system so that the universe can match that vibe. And when you align that abundance with your chakras, you are opening your doors to the gifts that the universe will give you.

In this session, I will show you how to meditate with all seven chakras, as well as how to use them to create abundance in your life. Learn how to use this meditation to align your soul with your truth and walk this earth with all of your spirituality.

Next Level Living is an exciting year-long program that uses the SASS Formula, live experiential training, quick tips, and techniques to help you live a purpose-driven life. If you’re interested, go to https://www.marilynalauria.com/next/.

My book, Guides: Mystical Connections to Soul Guides and Divine Teachers, is now available for purchase. Read how the guides helped our contributing authors to expand into their higher selves by giving them an archetype or ideal in which to aspire. It’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and on my website https://www.marilynalauria.com/book.

The SASS method teaches people to get rid of their “have tos,” “shoulds,” and “supposed tos” so they can have more “Heck Yeses!” in their lives. Connect with your inner self and spiritual guidance, make important decisions in your life, and figure out what signs and symbols mean you’re on the right path by visiting www.joinsass.com

In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Becoming conscious of your abundance
  • How getting abundant energy allows you to handle difficulties
  • How abundance shows up in many ways for us

13:55 – something about abundance

21:05 – meditation begins

Related Episodes:

Eps 126 – Claircognizance with a Meditation

Eps 112 – Tapping Your Way to Alignment with Dana Middleton

Eps 087 – Pod Party #7 – How to Channel


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If you have questions, email whocanitbenowpodcast@gmail.com

Get your Guide at https://marilynalauria.com/guide


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