I’m having way too much fun prepping for this class that I am teaching Thursday, September 29th on dreams and symbols. I hope you can join me. You can read about it here or below.

Numbers? How many of you see repetitive numbers? I’m sure a ton.

Numbers haunted me my whole life. I always knew they had a significance but wasn’t sure what they meant. I also have a little bit of a mathematical brain. I used to have a photogenic memory for numbers. This was during the time of rotary phones – way before we stored all these numbers in our phone. Now I know bubkas. I also can add and subtract in my head really fast. I used to be able to multiply and divide too. I really need to brush up on those skills again.

One number that would haunt me all the time was 354. It was the address I grew up at. I did not have a happy childhood, so I figured the number was just bad news. Great, there it is again, I’d think. Wtf. Why, does it keep following me?

It wasn’t until I learned what numbers mean to me that I realized it was a good thing and meant that my mind, body and soul were going through this amazing transition, and I was creating a whole new foundation of beliefs to support me in my life, which led to even deeper understanding of my soul’s purpose. Whew. I’m sure everyone in the world heard my sigh of relief when I learned that one.

When I decided to move to LA, I needed to find an apartment fast. I was living in this converted garage behind my brother’s friends house. As nice as they were, I needed to move all my animals here and find a place of my own. I knew exactly what I wanted, and I also knew that it would just fall into my lap. It was just one of those things I knew.

Shortly after the decision to move, I went to this party and there was a dog running around this apartment. I was like, “Does this place allow dogs?” It had hardwood floors, a balcony, and everything I was looking for. This woman overheard me and said are you looking for an apartment because there is one free in the building I live in and it’s rent stabilized. “Sign me up,” I said.

She set up an appointment with the building manager, and I met her the next day. I’ll never forget when she took me to the apartment and I saw the address. 313 1/2. Ugh I thought, I can’t live here. Now mind you, this was before I understood what numbers meant and all I focused on was the 13.

But the apartment was everything I wanted and the right price. I couldn’t turn it down. And they were fine with my brood of animals. I went to a psychic friend at the time and told her the address. She said that’s great. 13’s are all about building foundations and you have the extra 3 there which is mind, body and soul.

Well, you guessed it. I took the apartment and lived there for 10 years. It was an interesting time in that apartment, and it’s where all my gifts opened up and I learned how to do what I’m doing today.

So do you want to know what numbers mean? …Well, I do hope you can join me in my class because I’m going to tell you what the numbers meant to me and how to break them down to deeper understanding. You’ll also get an action-packed ebook on symbols as well!
